November 2024
Appraise Release, Tuesday 19 November 2024
Words By
Jamie Rumbelow

We've just pushed a new version of our development appraisals tool, Appraise.
This release adds some new datasets, a few bug fixes, and some quality of life improvements.
New Features
The big new addition is that we now show the ownership of UK land registry titles:

We don't have data for private ownership - for that you'll need to buy the title deeds. But this is a good start!
And a small quality of life improvements: appraisal info can now be copied to clipboard:

- We got rid of the landing page - now, when you go to Appraise, you'll go straight to the map
- Some tweaks to the content of the ALC grade 'info' box
- New dataset: contour lines
- New dataset: public rights of way
- New dataset: schools
- New dataset: trees
Here's a sneak peek at the new contour lines and schools dataset:

Bug Fixes
- Planning constraint layers spin when pressing the Cmd + Right Arrow key
- Zooming in past base map max zoom still zooms feature layers
Words By
Jamie Rumbelow
Jamie is cofounder and CEO of Tract. He has a philosophy degree, and is writing a book about London.