September 2024
Changelog, Monday 02 September 2024
Words By
Jamie Rumbelow

New website and branding, vector database, and a short holiday.
Last week was the launch of our new website and branding, which we are delighted by. The launch was planned around Ada Ventures' announcement that they co-led our funding round. We feel lucky and blessed to have Ada and Concept on our side. We have a fresh look, big plans, and the cash to make them happen.
Both myself and Elliot used the launch as an opportunity to take a short holiday, so we spent the first couple of days scrambling to tie up loose ends and make sure the launch went smoothly. I went to Italy for a friend's wedding and Elliot played Cities: Skylines II for three days.
We didn't down tools entirely on product work, however. Henry, who didn't go on holiday, got our vector database up and running, and processed the first batch of local plan documents over the weekend. This is one of those cornerstone pieces of infra that a lot of our next-gen features will rely on, so it's good to see it humming away. We are a matter of weeks away from having a full, national database of digital local plans and planning applications fully queryable. Being able to ask questions like "show me every planning application for housing in the UK in the past five years that mentions solar or battery technology" is going to be a step-change in how we can understand and interact with the planning system.
Words By
Jamie Rumbelow
Jamie is cofounder and CEO of Tract. He has a philosophy degree, and is writing a book about London.